From time to time, we report on our foundation activities and draw from the boundless wealth of the textbook, shining a spotlight on specific insights that hold a special place in our hearts.

Additionally, you can subscribe to our German Newsletter.

December 22th 2024


Dear Visitors to our Website,

Dear Friends and Supporters of our Foundation,

In light of the many unsettling news reports that reach us day after day, we may experience despair, frustration, hopelessness, exhaustion, bitterness, or a tendency to withdraw—or alternatively, rebellion, resistance, defiance, impatience, to force change...
And if someone says they have never had such stirrings within themselves, the question seems obvious: "Are you still alive, or are you already dead??"

That the ideal, or even a "Kingdom of God," has never been achievable on this Earth is shown by the historical record we know.
So how should we deal with this earthly world we are currently experiencing?

The ancient saying from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus:
                                                 "As within, so without."

And the fact that humanity is made up of a multitude of individuals could lead to the insight that the best, and possibly only way to increase love in this world for all is to let it become effective within myself.

Similarly, joy, gratitude, or whatever other inner soul forces I wish to nurture.
One person can do this easily from an inner abundance, perhaps absorbed with their mother’s milk, while another needs much of their lifetime to arduously cultivate these inner forces within themselves.

Preparatory work for the awakening of the spirit in the soul, uniting the will for joy with love for the primal source of life within.

So here we are:
In the practical everyday reality of the Christmas symbol:
In the earthly body, the stable with the animal forces of the soul, in the deepest darkness of the earth, at the moment of greatest light deprivation and strongest longing for light, the eternal light becomes aware of itself in the encompassing soul as eternally living life.

If this truly becomes real within us, can we give humanity, of which we are a part, anything more or better?

This new inner "How," as conscious self-awareness in joy and love, then permeates everything we do and leaves its traces in this "What":
Is this not, in fact, the all-encompassing "next dimension" that we all, more or less, sense and long for?

We, too, as the board of the foundation, must continually remind ourselves of these "births" in the practical actions for the foundation's projects.

When felt in this way, it is indeed not indifferent whether I donate money, time, or energy to a project in some inner automatic mode or with truly felt supportive intention in love and joy, or accompanied by genuine prayer or even blessing.

For everything we have received from you this year as support and encouragement for our work, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

And we are glad and grateful for what will also help in the coming year to make Bô Yin Râ discoverable and experienceable for all those who are meant to find it...............

May the solemn Christmas "birth" within us become ever more constant, everyday, and effortless.

With the very best wishes from the board of our foundation for you.

Dr. Werner

August 24th 2024


The collaboration of several dedicated individuals this year made it possible to digitize three new oil paintings: Rocky Coast on the Island of Syra (2), Winter Day – Finstertor in Görlitz, and Gulf of Itea (1).

In addition, we have two more color woodcuts by the Japanese artist Urushibara, inspired by motifs from Bô Yin Râ: Columns of the Parthenon and Winter Day in Attika.

All these new additions can be found under the sections: The Work –> Catalogue Raisonné –> Secular Paintings and are available as art prints, just like the previous ones.

December 6th 2023


Peace ? Peace !

As an external consequence and reflection of inner unrest, we always see war in this earthly world.

Now even closer to our doorstep.

It is time to turn to the inner source:

"I no longer seek peace, for I myself have become peace."

The solution is named—for the one who is already peace.

And for us on the way there? Words of Life can be helpful, sobering, and liberating from passive daydreaming:

"Longing for peace is a powerful guide, and woe to those who succumb to such guidance !"

Yes, who doesn't know this longing ?

And how can this persistent yearning search turn into attainment and fulfillment ?

"Peace to me means the security of one who has fought for the assurance that nothing can provoke him to battle anymore !"

"Peace is... tranquility within oneself,

                    freedom from every compulsion to new struggles,

                    the achieved power over everything that once was called an enemy and opponent !"

The inner peace and freedom gained in this way enable creation: "The prayer":

"Pray for those who hate and persecute you !"

"...us, seen from the standpoint of spiritually awakened, even our enemies and despisers,

as well as the farthest people we have never seen face to face, are spiritually connected just like our closest blood relatives, even if we cannot bring the same kind and degree of love to the unknown and those who have caused us great suffering—truly no divine law 'demands' this, since it inherently establishes and causes distinctiveness."

To find peace and tranquility within us, to then be capable of prayer "especially for all, that strives to become human on Earth, and strives to be human..."

—that is what we all may do,

and perhaps more or less able to do already,

especially in these darker days of the pre-Christmas season,

to, with the returning sun,

also helping to prepare the resurgence of the inner light in the hearts of all those in need.

We thank all who have supported the work of our foundation with their thoughts, love, and benevolent assistance.

Fulfilling all the oversight requirements and financial obligations is no minor undertaking.

We greatly appreciate it and look forward to your ongoing support and collaboration.

Stay up-to-date on our plans by subscribing to our email newsletter.

In 2024, our intentions include:

1. There, where readers have expressed the need for conversation with other readers, we want to assist and organize regional reader meetings. These will certainly not be massive gatherings at the beginning, and those who are willing and able to host five or a few more like-minded readers in their homes or could provide a suitable space for this purpose, please let us know. 

2. We want to participate in a special exhibition of the Görlitz Collections at the Kulturhistorisches Museum

in Görlitz.

Title: THE SEEKERS. The Art of the Jakob-Böhme-Bund (1920–1924).

Planned from May 4 to November 17 in 2024 at Kaisertrutz Görlitz.

In the years 1920 to 1924, one hundred years ago, the Jakob Böhme Association was active with substantial involvement from Bô Yin Râ as a collective of artists striving to reintegrate the spiritual into awareness within artistic creation. The exhibition will feature works by artists involved at that time (including Bô Yin Râ). Is it perhaps worth a trip ?

We wish you all the best, a blessed Christmas, and an inwardly joyful year


Dr. Manfred Werner

Calendar for 2024

In 2024, we are once again delighted to present a calendar featuring images and 22 mantras by Bô Yin Râ. This calendar can be ordered free of charge, on a voluntary donation basis, via email, while supplies last.

December 22th 2022


We wish you and your loved ones a blessed and joyful Christmas season and a good start to 2023.

For the coming year, we as the Foundation wish that we may continue to serve humanity in quiet continuity by preserving and publishing the work of Bô Yin Râ and thus help to increase happiness and joy.

This year, thanks to your donations and support, the Foundation has been able to digitize two more spiritual paintings and 14 drawings. We would be very delighted to receive your continued donations and active support!

Once again we created an illustrated calendar for the year 2023 with the 22 Mantras from the book Funken – Mantra-Praxis (22 German Mantras – The Use of Mantras). The calendar can be ordered free of charge here, valid while stocks last.

Furthermore, we are especially pleased to announce that the publishing house Magische Blätter has also started with the production of the audio book series
Hortus Conclusus in German, and that the two books Das Buch vom Jenseits (The Book On Life Beyond) and Das Buch der Gespräche (The Book of Dialogues) of the textbook are now available as audio books. Surely also a very nice Christmas present! For more information, please visit the publisher's website.

Yours sincerly
German Bô Yin Râ Foundation 

September 23th 2022


After 90 years in remote seclusion, a hitherto largely unknown spiritual painting found its way into our

Artwork Archive: Cosmic Awareness. Everyone can see it for the first time now and subsequently order fine art prints.

Other new additions are several drawings and illustrations of three color woodblock prints by the Japanese artist Yoshijirô Urushibara of motifs by Bô Yin Râ.

Cosmic Awareness

January 7th 2022


The Awakening Of The Soul (Das Erwachen der Seele): The name of this spiritual painting has been enriching our Artwork Archive since the pre-Christmas period, and perhaps soon, you too. There are also three early drawings by the artist.

December 24th 2021


On behalf of everyone at the German Bô Yin Râ Foundation we wish you all a very happy Christmas and a prosperous 2022.

Thank you for your collaboration and support. 

November 8th 2021


After the Artwork Archive has been enriched with the painting Asklepieion of Athens on July 29th 2021, it can now be viewed and ordered as a fine art print, as well as the Greece paintings Meerlandschaft mit Segelboot (Ocean Landscape with Sailing Boat) and Phaleron.

Sincere thanks to everyone who made this possible!

October 7th 2021


We have once again created a calendar for the year 2022, which, in addition to the spiritual and secular images of
Bô Yin Râ, contains all 22 Mantra from the book
Funken – Mantra-Praxis (22 German Mantras – The Use of Mantras).

A special feauture about the annual calendar: the images and mantra can be adjusted separately.

You are welcome to order the calendar free of charge, valid while stocks last, stating the delivery address and the number of purchase orders at rundbrief@bo-yin-ra-stiftung.de

June 30th 2021


Dear friends and supporters of our Foundation

It has been a long-cherished aspiration for us that the paintings of Bô Yin Râ, and especially his spiritual paintings, be made as accessible as possible to a wider network of people through high-quality, detailed and inexpensive fine art prints.

The first step has now been taken!
We have had the paintings that are accessible to us – some of which are privately owned digitized.

The impetus for this move came from a reader who, with great commitment, not only organized and financed this, but also helped to clarify many unanswered questions in the process.

Once this was done it was up to us to organize the sales and here, too, we found some help. The Publishing House Verlag Magische Blätter made this happen free of charge. These digital prints can now be ordered at Verlag Magische Blätter. You will find all the important information there.

So you have both to thank that you can now purchase these painting prints at cost price!

The digitization of the paintings is also important to us as a security measure. Backups of these records have been made, and as an additional security measure, the backups have been stored at different locations, i.e. with you, the buyers.

We truly hope that other owners of original paintings will be encouraged to record and thus ensure the safety of their paintings through digitization and, by doing so, allow others to also appreciate and admire their treasures.

Everything that is needed in order for this to happen (collection, transport, insurance) has been tried and tested, and we guarantee that each step of this process works perfectly. If necessary we are happy to assume any costs incurred. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Neither the publisher nor the Foundation earn any money from the distribution of the fine art prints.

So if you would like to support the publisher or the Foundation in any way this would be greatly appreciated.

There is also the option to print it out yourself, however, this might mean a reduction in quality, color accuracy, print and paper quality, as well as the format and overall exactness.

With warm regards and best wishes for you

Sincerly yours,
Dr. M. Werner

January 23th 2020


The residence and place of creation of Bô Yin Râ is maintained by the Swiss Bô Yin Râ Foundation. It was lovingly renovated in 2019 and is open for visits.

Visits can be arranged by appointment.


In Marburg, there is a smaller collection of paintings by Bô Yin Râ.

You are invited to visit our premises by appointment. Please call +49 (0) 6421-15200 (Dr. Werner) to arrange a visit.

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