Visits by appointment:

Dr. Manfred Werner

Telefon: +49 (0) 6421 15200


Robert Bosch

Sonnenschein 35 | D–42719 Solingen

+49 (0) 151 62400855


The Deutsche Bô Yin Râ-Stiftung was established by Dr. Wilhelm Vaubel, a physician, with the foundation deed on September 1, 1973, and approved by the Hessian Minister of the Interior on November 26, 1973. It is a legally recognized foundation under civil law, based in Darmstadt. The foundation's purpose is to promote art, culture, and religion. The foundation's purpose is primarily achieved by acquiring works of Bô Yin Râ (originals, sketches, color woodcuts, copies, and prints) in order to make them accessible to the public. The foundation's purpose of promoting religion is fulfilled through the dissemination of Bô Yin Râ's spiritual teachings. Translations of his books to promote the teachings, free distribution of books to libraries, lectures, publications, as well as maintaining and fostering relationships with both new and long-time readers, and facilitating discussion partnerships are to be encouraged.

All foundation members work voluntarily and happily alongside their regular professions. However, this limits the time they can devote to the foundation. In the past, we used newspaper advertisements to promote the teachings, but we now see the internet as a more effective platform, which is why we have redesigned our website. Feel free to share it with others.

We hope that we can meet your information requirements, as well as any questions or requests, with all the numerous references provided.

If your quenched thirst for knowledge transforms into a deep yearning of the soul, a desire to feel and experience, then we will rejoice with you!

With thanks and best wishes,

The Foundation Board

... any influence of God on human earthly existence requires,

the readiness of the individual to clear the path for such a possibility,

whether this is done through conscious human willpower

or through passive surrender in prayer.


If you would like to support our work and help make the spiritual teachings and paintings of Bô Yin Râ accessible to a wider audience, we welcome any financial contribution

– as well as suggestions for a specific project that is close to your heart–to help us better fulfill our tasks.

– We kindly ask for your support and assistance from the innermost level:

The point is to reach out, through the work of our foundation, to those people who are internally prepared, that the spiritual textbook can bring spiritual growth, inner clarity and blessings.

– We also seek for support through:

Suggestions, ideas or organizational cooperation–not to 'advertise' the spiritual textbook–but to indicate its presence.

– To achieve our charitable foundation's purpose, we rely on donations and contributions. Contributions can also be tied to a specific project, such as advertisements in a local newspaper in your area, a journal for a particular professional group, or similar initiatives.

We appreciate every contribution, big or small, and thank you sincerely!

Your donations are tax-deductible. Legacy donations and gifts to foundations are exempt from inheritance and gift taxes.

For donations under 300 €, the bank statement is sufficient as proof for the tax office.

Please provide your name and address for donations over 300 €, regardless of the payment method, if you would like to receive a donation receipt. Otherwise, we will not be able to issue such a receipt and will assume that you wish to donate anonymously.

Support via Bank Transfer
Empfänger: Deutsche Bô Yin Râ-Stiftung

Konto: IBAN DE 66 5085 0150 0000 5558 35


Support via PayPal

If you have any questions regarding donations, bequests, or gifts, please contact us via email at or, if preferred, anonymously through this contact form.



With the reproductions created for exclusively private use, the Deutsche Bô Yin Râ-Stiftung aims to make the work available in a quality and context that does justice to the painter. The images are meant to be viewed as complete works of art in their own right, not to be altered or misused for unrelated purposes. For this reason, and not out of commercial interest, we refer to certain copyright regulations (UrhG) and hope that readers of these pages will follow them out of their own initiative.

Photographic works are protected for 50 years after their publication (§ 72 UrhG – Photographs). The Deutsche Bô Yin Râ-Stiftung holds the rights to the photographic works it has produced and is therefore authorized to manage and protect these rights.

Changes to the image, including overlays or alterations to the image title, are not permitted (§ 14 UrhG – Distortion of the Work).

Any use of the images, including publication or adaptation, requires written permission from the Deutsche Bô Yin Râ-Stiftung. Inquiries should be directed to (§ 31 UrhG – Granting of Usage Rights).

In the event of permission being granted, the image caption must include the author's name, the title of the work and the image source. © Deutsche Bô Yin Râ-Stiftung (§ 13 UrhG – Recognition of Authorship)

Storage in image databases or distribution to third parties is not allowed (§ 17 – Right of Distribution, § 19a UrhG – Right of Public Accessibility).


We regularly update you in our newsletter with current activities of the foundation and other important information.

Additionally, we organize and support regional reader meetings, which we primarily announce in the newsletter. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at


*Data Protection & Consent for the Newsletter
By subscribing to the newsletter of the German Bô Yin Râ Foundation, you acknowledge our data protection policy.

The information you provide voluntarily will be used to personalize the newsletter. We only store your email address, which you can remove from the distribution list at any time by simply replying with the subject "unsubscribe." By submitting your data, you confirm that you wish to receive the newsletter at the provided address and that you are the sender. Our website is secure, as indicated by the "https://" prefix or the padlock symbol in your browser’s address bar. Your data is transmitted securely and protected against unauthorized access. We use your data solely for the purpose of this form. We do not share your information with third parties.


If you're seeking opportunities for conversation in Germany, please send us a brief message, and we'll provide you with a local contact address.

International contact options can be found here:


> BÔ YIN R                                                             

Bulgarien –>E-Mail

> BÔ YIN RÂ ELU LA JOOMING                     

> HORTECLOS – L'oeuvre de Bô Yin Râ        
Frankreich –>E-Mail

> STICHTING BÔ YIN R                                     

> VILLA GLADIOLA                                                  
Lugano/Massagno Schweiz

> BÔ YIN R                                                                 

> STIFTUNG BÔ YIN RÂ                                       

Schweden –>E-Mail

BÔ YIN RÂ INFO                                                   

> BÔ YIN RÂ ESPAÑOL                                      

> KOBER VERLAG BERN*                                          

> THE KOBER PRESS                                                

> VERLAG MAGISCHE BLÄTTER                      
Hannover/Deutschland (Neuauflage 2020)

> STERLING PUBLISHER                                      

> BILINGUAL PUBLICATIONS                           
Holland (Englisch & Deutsch)

> TARSOLY KIADÓ                                                   

Ra Albergen Holland

> POSTKARTEN KOBER VERLAG                      

* The pamphlets by Swiss publisher Alfred Kober-Staehelin are available in German for download.

Weshalb Bô Yin Râ? (Why Bô Yin Râ?) and Meine Stellung zu Bô Yin Râ (My Perspective on Bô Yin Râ) by Alfred Kober-Staehelin

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